Demon Kissed (A Paranormal Romance-Book #1 in the Demon Kissed Series) (Demon Kissed #1) by HM Ward
Seventeenth birthdays aren't supposed to suck, but mine does. Literally. Before I know what's happened a guy knocks me to the ground and tries to suck out my soul. With a kiss. That's all it takes with his kind. This next part is embarrassing--I thought this guy was my boyfriend. Screw that, I thought he was human, but those creepy, blood red eyes suggest I was mistaken.
This is it, the end of my sucktacularly short life--killed by a creature that's half vampire, half demon, and smokin' hot. Killed by a kiss. It sounds poetic until it happens to you.
The world fades to black, but just as I accept my fate,someone saves me. At least I think he saved me, because I'm still alive. It isn't until much later that I learn what really happened and exactly what it cost me.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I think this is a fantastic Young Adult book. Even I was held captive by the story. Though at first, trying to figure out the odd words used for Angels and Demons, it didn't matter. Young love, a basically clean story (non-sexual) and quite the adventure. It was heart pounding suspense in parts, and so sweet I wanted to cry in others. I really thing this book is an example of great youth reading, or really for any age! Everyone can enjoy this! I look forward to finding time to read the next one.
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