Smart Mouth Waitress (Romantic Comedy) (Life in Saltwater City) by Dalya Moon
Perry makes a strong first impression, from her white-girl dreadlocks to her uncensored opinions.
When she combs out her dreads on a whim, she catches the eye of a cute guy who's a regular at The Whistle, the diner where she works as a waitress. He mistakes Perry for someone completely different: the girl of his dreams.
Perry tries to become that girl.
But it's so hard to be normal.
And eyebrow piercings are so cute.
With her mother down in LA recording her comeback album, Perry's in charge of the family household, and things are going to change. She starts with paint colors and moves on to doling out retributive punishments for her fifteen-year-old brother.
What Perry really wants, though, is her first boyfriend. She's eighteen, and it's about time!
Boyfriend candidates include: the cute but quiet restaurant regular, the all-too-willing coworker, or the outgoing artist who's eager to whip off his clothes and model. One of these guys loves Perry exactly how she is, but how can she tell which one?

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Though cute in some spots, I have to say this book wasn't that interesting. The character (for someone who claimed to not care what she looks like) spends a lot of time changing how she looks and worrying about losing her virginity. To me, that didn't make for a very good story line. Her friends (if you can call them that) seem to be superficial and selfish. Why she spent so much time trying to please them was beyond me. I'm all for reading YA romances. But the whole focal point of losing her virginity wasn't interesting. The book is long and drawn out, making it hard to enjoy and there are several editing errors. Maybe if I were younger, I'd have found it more interesting, but this is certainly not something I'd recommend for a 16 year old reading, you know?!
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